| 1. | Datek's whistleblowing hasn't been limited to allegations about artificially wide price spreads.
| 2. | I can't imagine it would do anything but narrow price spreads ."
| 3. | If you could afford it, you were better off investing in the high-priced spread.
| 4. | Other companies try to emphasize the high-priced spread as luxury most everyone can afford.
| 5. | The low cattle prices spread economic troubles throughout rural Britain.
| 6. | Nowadays, it seems that only the highest-priced spread will do.
| 7. | As the daily oil quotes reveal, the price spread among worldwide producers is modest.
| 8. | But the price spread was relatively small compared to today.
| 9. | Women's protests against high food prices spread across Spain in both 1913 and 1918.
| 10. | Under a decimal system, share prices would be expressed in pennies, further narrowing price spreads.